
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2024 )

( 2023 )


匹配条件: “Jon Zabaleta” ,找到相关结果约3817条。
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for the treatment of primary pneumothorax: talc pleurodesis or pleural abrasion? Retrospective multicentre study
Jon Zabaleta,Borja Aguinagalde,Carlos Alvarez,Marta G. Fuentes
Chest Disease Reports , 2011, DOI: 10.4081/cdr.2011.e9
Abstract: In the treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) the latest guidelines recommend video-assisted thoracoscopy, but do not specify the best technique for performing pleurodesis. Indeed, there are no clinical trials comparing the effectiveness of talc pleurodesis, mechanical pleurodesis and pleurectomy. Our objective was to compare outcomes in patients who underwent surgery for primary pneumothorax with the talc procedure or with pleural abrasion using dry gauze. Patients undergoing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for PSP in two hospitals were retrospectively recruited between 2007 and 2008, and followed-up until December 2010. The variables measured to compare the outcomes were: recurrence, complications, and mortality, as well as the duration of air leaks and of drainage and the length of postoperative hospital stay (in days). Statistical analysis: The two groups were compared using the Chi square test for qualitative variables and nonparametric tests for continuous variables. A total of 106 interventions were carried out in 104 patients (74 in group A: pleural abrasion with dry gauze; 32 in group B: chemical pleurodesis with talc), with a mean age of 28 years (median 25) and 85.6% were male. Complications were observed in nine patients (8.5%) and there were no deaths in the 30 days after surgery; there were, however, four cases of recurrence (3.8%). The mean air leak duration was 0.78 days (median 0), the mean drainage duration 1.95 days (median 1) and the mean length of postoperative hospital stay 2.68 days (median 2). In 74 cases (69.8%), mechanical pleurodesis was performed, while 32 cases were treated with talc (30.2%). Comparing the two groups, we did not find statistically significant differences in recurrence (4.1% vs 3.1%, P=0.82), complications (6.8% vs 12.5%, P=0.45) or mortality (no cases of death). On the other hand, the mean postoperative hospital stay was lower in the mechanical pleurodesis group than in the talc group (2.2 vs 3.8 days, P=0.005). Video-assisted surgery in the treatment of PSP is a safe technique. In the mechanical pleurodesis group, we observed the same rate of recurrence, half the number of complications and a shorter hospital stay. We consider it necessary that well-designed multicentre clinical trials be carried out to compare these techniques and determine which produces the best outcomes, providing stronger scientific evidence given that the data available to date are not conclusive.
Diagnosis of neurofibromatosis type 1 after resection of intercostal nerve neurofibroma
Borja Aguinagalde,Jon Zabaleta,Marta Fuentes,Nerea Bazterargui
Chest Disease Reports , 2012, DOI: 10.4081/cdr.2012.e10
Abstract: We report a case of a 37-year-old man with an asymptomatic extraparenchymal mass in the left hemithorax. Complete surgical removal of the tumour was achieved through a minithoracotomy and histological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of myxoid neurofibroma. Given this histological diagnosis, the patient was re-examined and many café au lait spots (more than 6, larger than 15 mm in diameter) and neurofibromas (elastic tissue) were observed and the patient was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis (NF) type 1 (von Recklinghausen’s disease). We have found only eight case reports of neurogenic tumours originating from an intercostal nerve; only two of these corresponded to neurofibromas. Among these two patients, only one was a case of NF type 1 and, in contrast to our case, the diagnosis was reached prior to surgery. We present a very rare case of intercostal nerve neurofibroma leading to a definitive diagnosis of NF type 1.
Surgery for acute mediastinitis in oesophageal perforations and descending necrotising infection: complications, mortality and protective factors
Jon Zabaleta,Borja Aguinagalde,Marta G Fuentes,Nerea Bazterargui
Chest Disease Reports , 2011, DOI: 10.4081/cdr.2011.e15
Abstract: Acute mediastinitis is a life-threatening situation that is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. The most common causes of mediastinitis are: oesophageal perforation, acute necrotising mediastinitis (ANM) and post-sternotomy mediastinitis. The aim of this study was to analyze prognostic factors and the differences between mediastinitis from various origins. A retrospective analysis was carried out on all patients operated on for acute mediastinitis between 2000 and 2009. Surgical interventions were performed on 33 patients (69.7% male), the majority as a consequence of oesophageal perforation (21 cases). The overall mortality rate was 30%. Better survival was seen in subjects less than 60 years of age, subjects with no comorbidities, and subjects who had undergone early tracheotomy. Patients with ANM were younger, had less comorbidities, diagnosed later and required more repeat interventions compared to those patients who had mediastinitis caused by oesophageal perforations. Mortality was lower in the ANM group, but this was not statistically significant. Protective factors in mediastinitis are: early diagnostic and treatment, age under 60 years, absence of major comorbidity and early tracheotomy.
Survival after pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer patients: does a history of resected liver metastases worsen the prognosis? A literature review
Arantza Fernandez-Monge,Borja Aguinagalde,Iker Lopez,Jon Zabaleta,Jose I. Emparanza,Jose M. Izquierdo
- , 2017, DOI: 10.20892/j.issn.2095-3941.2017.0073
Abstract: : To assess the impact of past liver metastases on the survival duration of patients who are undergoing surgery for lung metastases
Peronist Women party: history, characteristic and consequences (Argentina 1947-1955) O Partido das Mulheres Peronistas: história, característica e conseqüências (Argentina 1947-1955)
Marta Zabaleta
Diálogos , 2010, DOI: 10.4025/dialogos.v4i1.272
Abstract: The aim of this article is to help women to reverse the state of social neglict in which most of them remain in Argentina, and in the other American countries – resulting from a common history of class oppression, gender, subordination and sex exploitation. The detailed study of the Peronist party and its modus operandi concerning its women members will enable us to delineate conclusions on the advantages and the limitations of the women politization process adapted by Peronism, thus facilitating fruitful comparisons comparisons in future research projects. O principal objetivo deste artigo é o de tentar ajudar as mulheres na revers o do estado de negligência social no qual a maioria delas se encontra na Argentina e no restante das Américas - resultado de uma história comum de opress o de classe, de subordina o de gênero e de explora o de sexo. Ao fazermos um estudo detalhado do Partido Peronista e do modo no qual ele operou em rela o às suas filiadas mulheres, seremos capazes de delinear conclus es sobre as vantagens e limita es do processo de politiza o das mulheres do tipo assumido pelo Peronismo, facilitando frutíferas compara es em futuros projetos de pesquisa.
The Presence of Mutations in the K-RAS Gene Does Not Affect Survival after Resection of Pulmonary Metastases from Colorectal Cancer
Jon Zabaleta,Borja Aguinagalde,José M. Izquierdo,Nerea Bazterargui,Stephany M. Laguna,Maialen Martin-Arruti,Carmen Lobo,José I. Emparanza
ISRN Surgery , 2014, DOI: 10.1155/2014/157586
Abstract: Introduction. Our objective was to identify mutations in the K-RAS gene in cases of pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC) and determine whether their presence was a prognostic factor for survival. Methods. We included all patients with pulmonary metastases from CRC operated on between 1998 and 2010. K-RAS mutations were investigated by direct sequencing of DNA. Differences in survival were explored with the Kaplan-Meier method log-rank tests and multivariate Cox regression analysis. Results. 110 surgical interventions were performed on 90 patients. Factors significantly associated with survival were disease-free interval , age , number of metastases , lymph node involvement , size of the metastases , and previous liver metastasis . Searching in 79 patients, K-RAS mutations were found in 30 cases. We did not find statistically significant differences in survival comparing native and mutated K-RAS. We found a higher rate of lung recurrence and shorter time to recurrence in patients with K-RAS mutations. Gly12Asp mutation was associated with higher recurrence and lower survival . Conclusions. The presence of K-RAS mutations in pulmonary metastases does not affect overall survival but is associated with higher rates of pulmonary recurrence. 1. Introduction In general, the development of cancer is the consequence of a gradual accumulation of genetic alterations. These cause a progressive transformation of normal human cells into malignant cells [1]. The RAS family of genes have the highest known rate of mutations in human cancer, and the aberrant activation of the RAS gene due to a mutation leads to an overexpression of Ras proteins, causing changes in the cells that lead to proliferation, invasion, and metastasis [2]. The conversion of Ras of a protooncogene to an oncogene generally occurs as a consequence of a single mutation in the gene. The mutations are found most often in codon 12 of the gene, followed by condon 13 [3]. In the normal human gene, codon 12 has the sequence CGT that codes for the amino acid glycine (Gly). Any change leading to a loss of the Gly residue at codon 12 may change a normal Ras gene into one that is potentially carcinogenic [3]. Similarly, changes in the Gly residue at codon 13 have the same effect [3]. In recent years, researchers have identified over 20 oncogenes, mutations of which contribute to the occurrence of solid tumours in humans [4]. In colorectal carcinoma, the most common mutations are located in the K-RAS, PIK3CA, BRAF, and N-RAS genes [4]. Recently, Tie reported, in the journal Clinical Cancer
La competencia lectora en los programas nacionales e internacionales de evaluación educativa
Orientaci?3n y sociedad , 2008,
Abstract: the article's main goal is to identify different educational assessment programs, both national and international, and describe their general characteristics. likewise, it analizes the way in which reading comprehension is conceptualized and assessed. lastly, this paper shows the results that argentina has achieved in this area. the programs which have been analized are: programme for international student assessment (pisa), the second regional comparative and explanatory study ( serce, segundo estudio regional comparativo y explicativo), and specifically in our country, the national evaluation operatives (one, operativo nacional de evaluación) and the program of evaluation of educational quality of buenos aires province (programa de evaluación de la calidad educativa de la provincia de buenos aires). these different studies are of importance in reading comprehension since it is a "competence for life" necessary to acquire other learnings, to achieve an active participation in society and to be connected to the possibility of planning for a better future. the reports show differences between the results of the various countries and their provinces. the development of unequal competences is like a challenge both nationally and internationally, since it is an important indicator of the critical situation in which a significant number of children and teenagers are placed in.
Análisis del sistema organizacional desde una perspectiva compleja como herramienta de recursos humanos
Tejada Zabaleta,Alonso;
Psicología desde el Caribe , 2010,
Abstract: a proposal for a system organizational model is presented as an analytical tool for human resource or human talent departments in organizations. a tool to define, characterize, analyze and decide about constituent elements of the system and their consequent interactions. the philosiphical base of the model is supporte in an attempt of an approach, from the so called, "paradigm of complexity"
La competencia lectora en los programas nacionales e internacionales de evaluación educativa Reading comprehension in nacional and internacional programs of educational assessment
Verónica Zabaleta
Orientación y Sociedad : Revista Internacional e Interdisciplinaria de Orientación Vocacional Ocupacional , 2008,
Abstract: El principal objetivo de este artículo es identificar distintos programas de evaluación educativa, tanto nacionales como internacionales, y describir sus características generales. Asimismo, analiza el modo en que se conceptualiza y evalúa la competencia lectora. Finalmente, este trabajo presenta los resultados que ha obtenido Argentina en esta área. Los programas analizados son: el Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de Alumnos (PISA, Programme for International Student Assessment) , el Segundo Estudio Regional Comparativo y Explicativo (SERCE) y, específicamente en nuestro país, el Operativo Nacional de Evaluación (ONE) y el Programa de Evaluación de la Calidad Educativa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Estos diferentes estudios sitúan la importancia de la lectura comprensiva en tanto "competencia para la vida" necesaria para la realización de otros aprendizajes, para el logro de una participación activa en la sociedad y ligada a la posibilidad de proyectar un futuro mejor. Los informes muestran la existencia de diferencias entre los resultados de distintos países y al interior de los mismos. El desarrollo de competencias desiguales aparece como un desafío a nivel nacional e internacional, ya que constituye un importante indicador de la situación crítica en la que se encuentran un número significativo de ni os y adolescentes. The article's main goal is to identify different educational assessment programs, both national and international, and describe their general characteristics. Likewise, it analizes the way in which reading comprehension is conceptualized and assessed. Lastly, this paper shows the results that Argentina has achieved in this area. The programs which have been analized are: Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Second Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study ( SERCE, Segundo Estudio Regional Comparativo y Explicativo), and specifically in our country, the National Evaluation Operatives (ONE, Operativo Nacional de Evaluación) and the Program of Evaluation of Educational Quality of Buenos Aires Province (Programa de Evaluación de la Calidad Educativa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires). These different studies are of importance in reading comprehension since it is a "competence for life" necessary to acquire other learnings, to achieve an active participation in society and to be connected to the possibility of planning for a better future. The reports show differences between the results of the various countries and their provinces. The development of unequal competences is like a challenge both nationally a
Agenciación humana en la teoría cognitivo social: Definición y posibilidades de aplicación
Alonso Tejada Zabaleta
Pensamiento Psicológico , 2005,
Abstract: La agenciación humana es la capacidad de ejercitar el control sobre nuestro propio funcionamiento y sobre los eventos que afectan nuestra vida (Bandura, 2001). El concepto aparece como resultado del desarrollo del Análisis Conductual Cognoscitivo y específicamente de la teoría Cognitivo Social de Bandura y sus colaboradores; y es un desglosamiento de los conceptos iniciales de autocontrol y autodirección y luego del de autoeficacia. La agenciación supone ser una estrategia de cambio para que los individuos puedan generar modificaciones y transformaciones de sí mismos y de su ambiente, por lo tanto, implica un proceso y un procedimiento sistemático para determinarse, desarrollarse, retroalimentarse y modificarse.El presente trabajo presenta la definición y contextualización de la agenciación humana, propone un modelo estratégico de cambio a partir del establecimiento y desarrollo de competencias de agenciación, y analiza y evalúa las posibilidades de aplicación en contextos sociales

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